Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008 - Tim’s birthday.


We cooked breakfast burritos then headed into town to check things out.  Fairbanks is a good town to catch your breath, but not a huge tourist town.  Being cheap, we checked out a place called Pioneer Town – it was primarily a place for the locals to sell their homemade creations, but is housed in buildings w/historic value.  They had a great museum (the kid’s loved that part!!), a train that circled the village, and a paddleboat that had ran the rivers in that part of Alaska for years.


We got some information on a Salmon bake, and since the kids were more interested in seeing a movie than eating salmon, we fed them Sam’s pizza and they watched Kung Fu Panda while we ate at the Fairbanks Salmon Bake across the street.  It was definitely not cheap, but it was good!  Grilled salmon, fried cod and halibut, prime rib, salad, desert, drink – all you could eat.  Since most of the items were new to us, we sampled them all…several times!  It was the kind of meal that makes you so full you think you won’t need to eat again for days.


We went back to Living Water, and the kids played ball, went to the petting zoo, and just had a great time taking advantage of the endless Alaska evenings.  Made it to bed in daylight at midnight.



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